May Birthstone: Emerald

For centuries, emeralds have been revered as some of the highest-quality gemstones found on the planet. They have long been associated with royalty, dating back to Cleopatra’s rule over ancient Egypt. She adorned this precious gemstone in robes, necklaces, and other jewelry. Incan emperors were also very fond of this stone, and wore it whenever possible. The earliest known examples of emerald mines can be traced back to Cleopatra’s ancient Egypt, and are dated around 300 BCE. 

From its discovery, emeralds have been believed to possess many healing qualities. The color green, itself, is associated with rebirth and renewal. However, the stone has been known to promote intelligence, quick-wit, fertility, and immortality. Some ancient societies also believed the stone would help fight off and cure diseases like cholera and malaria. One of the more astute observations about the gemstone was the idea that working with emeralds would help soothe the jeweler's eyes and stress levels. With modern technology, it has been determined that this is actually true. The color green is known to be calming and to help soothe eye strain. 

Measuring at 7.5-8 on the Mohr Scale of Hardness, emeralds are in the same area as sapphires and rubies. They are generally hard stones, but shouldn’t be stored near diamonds as they risk scratching. This also means the best method of cleaning emeralds is simply with warm, soapy water and a soft-bristled toothbrush. However, this score means emeralds are great for jewelry worn often. Rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and more are all perfect ways for you to show off your dazzling green gemstones. 

Today, the highest quality emeralds are mined in Colombia. The stones found in this tropical South American country are of such high quality that emeralds found elsewhere in the world are compared to the quality of stones found here. As mentioned earlier, the oldest instance of emerald mining dates back to ancient Egypt. Today, deposits are found in Brazil, Namibia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Also, the largest North American emerald deposits are found right here in North Carolina.

Shop CLT Jewels today for the best selection of antique and vintage estate jewelry. Stop by Malak Jewelers today to browse our collection of fine emerald jewelry, other gemstones, diamond engagement rings and wedding bands, 22k gold, estate jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and other fine jewelry. We are located in South Charlotte, North Carolina, in The Arboretum Shopping Center at the corner of Providence Road and Pineville-Matthews / Highway 51. We are open from 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday.