September Birthstone: Sapphire

Throughout history, sapphires have been an extremely sought-after gemstone for numerous reasons. They are believed to symbolize: sincerity, truth, faithfulness, and nobility. Sapphires have long been found in royal garb, as well as clergy robes. The royals throughout history who have worn sapphires believe the blue stone would shield them from harm and envy, while also attracting wealth. For clerics, the gemstone symbolizes heaven, and is thought to bring along heavenly blessings when worn. Going back to ancient Persia, sapphires were widely believed to be the reason for the blue color of the sky due to the Earth resting on a large sapphire. Further knowledge has led us to believe this is not true, and the color of the sky is due to the chemical composition of our atmosphere and air. However, in midieval Europe, the gorgeous gemstone was believed to possess healing powers that could aid in treating things like plague boils, eye diseases, and also act as an antidote for poisons. In today’s world, we know sapphires to be awe-inspiring with their wide array of possible coloring, but mainly the deep blue hues that most people associate with the stone. Sapphires can be found in all corners of the world, from parts of Africa, Asia, North America, and Australia. Thailand is a major gemstone hub, and this rings true when it comes to sapphires. Alongside having deposits within the country’s border, Bangkok is a hub for sapphire treatment and cutting. Once mined or found, many sapphires will be colorless, but with proper heat treatment they will resemble the deep blue hues we’ve come to associate with the gemstone. Other countries in this area of the world will send their found sapphires to Thailand for this treatment, before they are exported all across the globe. If one finds a deposit of ruby, sapphires are likely to be nearby, albeit in smaller quantities. Sapphires rank as a 9 on the MOH Hardness Scale, meaning only diamonds are tougher and that they are ideally used in pieces that are worn everyday. Sapphire is commonly found in bracelets, pendants, earrings, and even as featured stones in engagement rings. Along with being the sole birthstone associated with the month of September, sapphires are commonly purchased as gifts for couples’ 5th and 45th wedding anniversaries. If you are so lucky to own a sapphire piece, the easiest way to clean them is with warm, soapy water and a cloth. Other common cleaning methods for gemstones and jewelry that include high heat may alter the color of your sapphire stone; however, if yours has already been heat-treated then you should have nothing to worry about. Stop by Malak Jewelers today to browse our collection of sapphire jewelry, other gemstones, diamond engagement rings and wedding bands, 22k gold, estate jewelry, rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, bracelets, and other fine jewelry. We are located in South Charlotte, North Carolina, in The Arboretum Shopping Center at the corner of Providence Road and Pineville-Matthews / Highway 51. We are open from 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday.