About Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab grown diamonds, to most, sound like something out of a futuristic science fiction novel; however, the technology used to create them has been around since the 1950s. Actually, the first known instance of a diamond created in a controlled environment is said to have been an accidental discovery. While testing these chambers, scientists began applying massive amounts of pressure and scorching heat… before they knew it, they had accidentally created the first ever lab grown diamond. This method is still in use today, and is known as High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT), naturally. Lab technicians will place a small “seed crystal” (usually a miniscule sliver of a diamond) in one of these chambers and begin the process of replicating the extreme conditions that usually form diamonds deep below the Earth’s surface. Slowly, layer by layer, the diamond begins to take shape around the seed crystal. Over the past 70ish years, these labs have perfected this method of creating diamonds and offer extreme precision, with flawless stones to show for it. A majority of the lab grown diamonds we offer are made in HPHT labs. If this isn’t already blowing your mind, wait until you hear the other method used to create lab diamonds. Using a process called Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD), these high-tech labs are actually mimicking the conditions where diamonds form in cosmic gas clouds. This process uses hydrogen and methane gas in the chamber, and is blasted with microwave heating. Under these conditions, the gasses begin sticking to the seed crystal and thin layers of diamond start to form. Due to the precision diamond labs are operating with, these stones can be made to fit the exact specifications of any customer’s dream piece. Working their way through the 4 C’s (cut, clarity, carat, and color), labs are producing dazzling, exact replicas of nature’s hardest gemstone. In mines, finding colored diamonds is extremely rare, but with lab grown diamonds, you have the choice of all the rarest diamond colors right at your fingertips. Blue, pink, yellow, and more are offered by all of the leading producers. When it comes to the size and cut of a diamond, absolute precision is a must. This is another area where diamond labs excel. They are able to configure their machinery to make a diamond that fits your every need. At this point, you’re probably wondering what the catch is, and possibly the best aspect of lab diamonds is: there is no catch. Other than having to wait for your diamond to make it out of the lab (typically takes two weeks), these stones are perfect for everyone and any piece. Lab diamonds are chemically identical to naturally mined diamonds, they are just as hard, and have perfect clarity. Labs can even create diamonds that fit into the traditional clarity scale, all the way up to VVS. Another natural worry is that these diamonds will be noticeably different than their naturally mined counterparts, but even a trained eye will need help determining the difference. On top of this impressive list of benefits to buying lab grown is the price. On average, you will get 60% more diamond when you opt for lab grown over mined. All-in-all, it seems like a no-brainer… consider a lab grown diamond for your engagement ring, wedding band, anniversary gift, or whatever jewelry needs you have. These processes used to make lab diamonds are becoming more, and more popular as the green movement continues to gain momentum. It is estimated that 250 tons of Earth’s crust and mantle are dug up to find 1 carat of diamond. This staggering number is beginning to resonate with environmentally-conscious shoppers. Not to mention the amount of fuel that is burned, sending more pollution into the atmosphere. These labs still use a significant amount of energy to produce their diamonds, but the effect is miniscule compared to the diamond mining industry’s carbon footprint. Also, the century-old question about humane labor-practices in the mining industry come to mind. Fortunately, most of the reputable diamond exporters are practicing much more safe-minded protocols; however, it is tough to be 100% certain that your diamond was mined under safe conditions. This humanitarian concern is beginning to turn people off to the idea of buying a naturally-mined diamond, along with environmental concerns. Green Diamonds NC is a new division of Malak Jewelers that specializes in providing top-quality lab grown diamonds to the people of North Carolina. On the website, you’ll find premade jewelry that has lab diamonds instead of mined diamonds, the custom design tab will walk you through all the steps to creating your dream piece, as well as a chart of the loose diamonds we can offer. If you prefer to browse in-person, the Malak Jewelers showroom is home to a variety of premade lab grown diamond jewelry from the same distributors. Also, if you can’t find exactly what you’re looking for, one of our certified jewelry experts will walk you through the process of designing a custom piece fit for that special someone in your life. Browse the websites, call us, or stop by today to learn more about why you should consider buying a lab grown diamond for your next piece.